TTRPG Community Interview with Mars, creator of Paratype

Hey there and welcome to another TTRPG Community interview! These are low key, prewritten interviews which are available to fill out on this page. If you are a part of the TTRPG space in almost any way at all, there should be something for you!

Today, we're hearing from Mars, a TTRPG Writer/Creator with their own system, Paratype!

Please introduce yourself and the content you create!

Hello! I'm Mars (@Megasoma_Mars on twitter), I'm the creator of Paratype, a ttrpg system for those who like giant bugs, mutant abilities and a post-apocalyptic setting.

How did you get started making TTRPG content? What motivated you to begin?

I started writing TTRPG content with Paratype actually after playing in a custom game made by my GM. I wanted a game with various settings I couldn't find and decided to make my own system. I'm also an artist who creates work in the TTRPG sphere.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I'm inspired by various indie TTRPGs, such as Cuticorium, Wanderhome, Sleepaway and many more!

What was the first thing you ever made? Are you still proud of it?

My first creation is Paratype! It has changed a lot over the course of 2 years however I am still proud of it. I'm currently working on ways to help improve it to this day.

What other TTRPG systems do you enjoy playing?

I'm a huge fan of the DIE system as well as City of Mist!

AI has proved to have a huge impact on the TTRPG community. As succinctly as possible, what is your general opinion on the use of AI for writing/content creation?

I'm personally very anti-AI, as an artist I see it as taking art from others without permission. Not only that but it discourages artists who see it.

Are you a part of the LGBTQIA2S+, BIPOC, AAPI, Disabled or any other marginalised community?

I am a non-binary lesbian and am autistic.

If yes, do you reflect this in the content you create? How important do you think it is for folks of all identities to feel recognised within the games they play?

I would say the reason my work exists is because of my love for entomology, I do my best to make my work open to marginalized identities in how characters can be portrayed. I want to make sure people feel seen in my work.

What's the next project people will see from you?

I'm currently working on an update for Paratype and potentially a biomechanical sci-fi system using the same mechanics as Paratype.

Tell us about your process when creating. Do you have any tips or tricks for other creators in the same space as you?

My advice is to write things down, just jot everything you can down on paper, notes, documents, whatever. I play test my games with friends and I create my own artwork, for that I make to-do lists and give myself deadlines. It tends to help for publishing!

Are you playing in any TTRPG campaigns at the moment? Tell us about your favourite character!

I'm currently in several games, my most recent character has been in City of Mist and is a weatherman named Sable. He's a rift of the Black Shuck, a omen of death associated with storms.

Which subject do you wish you knew more about?

I'm always looking to know more about entomology.

What is your favourite smell?

Wet leaves.

What is the strangest food combination you enjoy?

Strawberry whipped yogurt and pepperoni (you have to use the pepperoni to scoop the yogurt)!

Where should folks go to find out more about you, and/or check out your content?

I'd say my twitter (@Megasoma_Mars) or instagram (@MegasomaMars)

Disclaimer: The information and answers contained in the interview posted above represents the views and opinions of the interviewee only and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of myself (gothHoblin). The appearance of an interview on this website does not constitute an endorsement of the interviewee or their statements.


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